Ultra Quadruple “Iron” Distance Triathlon Race Report

Crossing the finish line on October 10th marked the finish of a very big accomplishment for me. I was down in Virginia competing at the USA Ultra Tri race. The event was the Quadruple Ironman distance. I was successful in the completion of 4 Iron distance triathlons in 4 days. (2.4mile swim, 112mile bike, 26.2mile run x 4) It was great training for RAAM 2015 and my return to the 3,000 race across the U.S. The pictures are of me at the start of the swim and the finish of the race. When you finish you get the pleasure of striking an anvil the number of times of completing the ironman distance.



Doing these ultra distances races validates the importance of family, support and how crucial they are to the success of the athletes. If I didn’t feel the support of those around me, I would not be able to bring myself to the level of physical and emotional challenge needed to continue. There is a symbiotic relationship that drives the athletes to keep going when things get really tough. An example of this occurred during the last 4th day of racing. A fellow competitor tripped and fell in front of me from exhaustion. I ran to help assist him and he said “Go ahead I am alright”. I replied with a smile, “No man gets left behind” and stayed to help him and wait for medical. Any of us out there would have done the same thing.

Kathy Roche-Wallace