Some Fatbike Team Time

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While last week some of the team were out enjoying the break in the weather (and 50-degree temps), this is Michigan after all and it wasn’t too long before we had another fresh round of the white stuff to blanket the ground. That didn’t stop WSI Cycling from getting out and putting in some miles, especially now that many of us have a fatbike!

Bike Nerd Summit RidersThis also gave Dan a good excuse to host his 3rd Annual Bike Nerd Summit from his home in the Galesburg area. Never heard of the BNS before? Well, it was a new one for me too… but when I heard “join me for a fatbike ride with homemade chili and beer waiting at the end” I was in!

I talked Kathy into coming along, although she opted for her “skinny” tire mountain bike. The rest of the group included Kevin (who came out with his new Trek, and some sweet rims), one of Dan’s neighbors, and “Skittles” from the Trek Bicycle Store of Battle Creek.

WSI Cycling Riders at Fort Custer

Eric and Kathy on the Trails

You can check out my Strava Event and the map of our route is below. The roads were icy, so we took it easy getting to the trails, but once we arrived at the Fort, the trails were awesome. Although I have to say riding behind Kathy gave me some good comic relief as she slid around some of the corners. While I didn’t want to head back (it meant getting back on the icy roads), I knew chili was waiting for me!

Bike Nerd Summit 2018

Now that the temps are no longer in the “sub-zero” range, riding outdoors is much more tolerable. I’m headed north for a few weekends and Houghton Lake’s Tip-Up-Town festivities. While there will be plenty of snowmobiles zooming around on the frozen lake, I’m betting I’ll be the only one out the pedaling along! I’m also looking forward to hitting the groomed trails at Snowsnake just north of Clare. I pulled the trigger on an annual pass over the New Year break. If you’re in the area, I recommend you check ’em out.
